100% Algodão
Produzida na Polónia
Como sabem ando na busca pelo porta bebés perfeito para mim e para a minha pipoca. A Sónia Gouveia - Levo-te no Colo deu-me a oportunidade de experimentar o Ring Sling(RS) Turmalin da Sensimo por achar que é ótimo para quem está a começar. É um pano com 250g/m2 e segundo a marca é: ”Perfeito para as mães, que começam a sua aventura no babywearing mas também para pais experientes e que adoram wraps coloridos.”
Que posso eu dizer sobre ele?
Inicialmente achei que era um pano um pouco rijo mas depressa percebi que não é rigidez mas sim azelheice de quem está a usar.
Review: Rainbow
As you know, I'm on the search for the perfect baby carrier for me and my little popcorn. Sónia Gouveia - Levo-te no Colo gave me the opportunity to try the Ring Sling (RS) Turmalin of Sensimo because thinking that's great for those who are starting. It's a wrap with 250g / m2 and according to the brand, is: "Perfect for moms, who begin their adventure with babywearing but also for experienced parents, who love colorful wraps".
What can I say about it?
100% combed cotton
Produced in Poland
As you know, I'm on the search for the perfect baby carrier for me and my little popcorn. Sónia Gouveia - Levo-te no Colo gave me the opportunity to try the Ring Sling (RS) Turmalin of Sensimo because thinking that's great for those who are starting. It's a wrap with 250g / m2 and according to the brand, is: "Perfect for moms, who begin their adventure with babywearing but also for experienced parents, who love colorful wraps".
Initially, I thought it was a bit rough but I quickly understand that it was my fault. I'm really geek.
After understand how it worked, I found the RS comfortable, has a great fabric (even if it's "Secound quality") and with fantastic colours (#teamrainbow).
[PT] Neste momento e após 2 semanas de utilização, acho realmente que é um ótimo pano para quem está a começar e ainda não entende muito bem o que é isto do Babywearing e os seus portes ou amarrações. Agora adoramos, coloco a bebé Alícia no RS quando ela está assim
mais birrenta, vamos até ao jardim e num instante voltamos para casa com ela já
a dormir . Adorei a cor e a textura do
[EN] At this moment and after 2 weeks of use, I think it's really a great wrap who is beginning and still don't really understand what it's the Babywearing and your carriers. Now we love it, i put baby Aícia in the RS when she is so boring, we go to the garden and in an instant we return to house with her already to sleep. I loved the color and texture of the wrap.
[EN] At this moment and after 2 weeks of use, I think it's really a great wrap who is beginning and still don't really understand what it's the Babywearing and your carriers. Now we love it, i put baby Aícia in the RS when she is so boring, we go to the garden and in an instant we return to house with her already to sleep. I loved the color and texture of the wrap.
Inês Leite Rocha
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